The Role Of Comprehensible Output In Enhancing Speaking Skills In Second Language Acquisition Lesson Plan for 10th Grade Example Students

Topic: The role of comprehensible output in enhancing speaking skills in second language acquisition

Objectives & Outcomes

  • After completing this lesson, students will be able to understand the concept of comprehensible output and its importance in second language acquisition.
  • Students will be able to produce comprehensible output in a given context.


  • Defining comprehensible output
  • Explaining the importance of comprehensible output in second language acquisition
  • Applying the concept of comprehensible output in a given context
  • Producing comprehensible output in a given context


  • Ask students to think about a time when they tried to speak a foreign language.
  • Then, ask them to share their experiences with the class.
  • Encourage students to share any difficulties they faced and how they were able to overcome them.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of comprehensible output and its role in second language acquisition.
  • Explain that comprehensible output refers to the ability to produce language that is understandable to the listener.
  • Discuss the importance of comprehensible output in speaking skills, and how it can be achieved through various strategies, such as using appropriate vocabulary and simplifying sentences.

Direct Instruction

  • Provide examples of comprehensible output in the target language (e.g. "Can you give me the book?", "I'm hungry", etc.).
  • Demonstrate how to produce comprehensible output by using the appropriate strategies, such as using simpler vocabulary and restructuring sentences.
  • Have students work in pairs to practice producing comprehensible output using the strategies introduced.

Independent Practice

  • Assign a task for students to produce comprehensible output independently, such as writing a short story or giving a presentation.
  • Encourage students to use the strategies introduced to make their output more comprehensible.
  • Provide opportunities for students to share their work and receive feedback.


  • Review the importance of producing comprehensible output in second language acquisition and the strategies to do so.
  • Ask students to share any insights or questions they have about the lesson.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their use of comprehensible output strategies.
  • Collect and grade the oral presentations produced by students during the independent practice activity.

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