Helen Of Troy Lesson Plan for 10th Grade Example Students

Topic: Helen of Troy

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the reasons for the Trojan War and its consequences.
  • Students will be able to describe the relationship between Helen and Paris and its impact on the war.
  • Students will be able to analyze the character of Helen and its effect on the war.


  • Copies of the Iliad
  • Note cards with key points
  • Handouts with quotes or information about Helen of Troy


  • Begin the lesson by showing a picture of Helen of Troy. Ask students what they know about this woman. Allow them to share their ideas and thoughts.
  • Then, ask students to work in pairs and write down as many things as they can think of about Helen of Troy on a piece of paper. After a few minutes, have each pair share their list of items with the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Next, introduce the story of Helen of Troy and her love for Paris. Share a brief summary of the events that take place in the story, including the decision by the Spartans to give Helen to Paris as a prize, the resulting war between the Greeks and Trojans, and the eventual defeat of the Trojans.
  • As you share the story, use the handouts to help guide your presentation.
  • Then, ask students if they have any questions about the story so far. If not, move on to the next part of the lesson.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group one of the main characters from the story (Helen, Paris, Agamemnon, etc). Have each group discuss the actions and motives of their assigned character, then share their thoughts with the class.
  • As the groups share their thoughts, have the rest of the class write down any key points or ideas that they take away from the discussion.
  • After all of the groups have shared, bring the class back together and discuss any common themes or ideas that surfaced during the discussion. Possible themes could include the power of love, the consequences of war, or the role of fate in one's life.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students choose one of the main characters from the story (Helen, Paris, Agamemnon, etc.) and create a visual representation of their character's actions and motives. This could be a diagram, a drawing, a timeline, or any other method that the student chooses.
  • Provide students with the materials needed to create their visual representation and allow them to work independently or in small groups to complete their projects.


  • Review the main events of the story with the students and ask them to reflect on what they have learned about love and war from the story of Helen of Troy.
  • Encourage students to share their thoughts on the story and ask questions if they have any.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of the story.
  • Collect and review their presentations to assess their understanding of the themes of love and war in the story of Helen of Troy.
  • Administer a written quiz to assess their understanding of the main events of the story.

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