10th Grade Exploring Recent Scientific Breakthroughs (Simple Present) Lesson Plan

Topic: Exploring Recent Scientific Breakthroughs

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain recent scientific breakthroughs and their significance in daily life.


  • News articles about recent scientific breakthroughs
  • Handouts with vocabulary related to science and technology
  • Computers with internet access for research purposes


  • Ask students to share their knowledge about science and technology. What are some modern inventions that they rely on in their daily lives?
  • Write their answers on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of recent scientific breakthroughs and their impact on society.
  • Discuss some examples, such as the discovery of the Higgs boson, the creation of artificial intelligence, or the development of new materials.
  • Explain that we will be using the simple present tense to discuss these scientific developments.
  • Distribute the handouts with the present tense conjugations and model how to use the tense. Show students how to use the present tense to talk about ongoing events or states in a simple and straightforward way.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students work in pairs and provide them with a scientific or technological article.
  • Have them read the article together and discuss it using the present tense. Encourage them to use specific details and describe how the scientific advancements are affecting the world.
  • Assessment:
  • Have students present their discussions to the class and ask the class to identify any differences in the way the present tense is used.
  • Encourage students to use the present tense in a simple and straightforward way when discussing scientific breakthroughs.

Independent Practice:

  • Provide students with a list of scientific and technological breakthroughs and have them write a short paragraph describing how the breakthroughs are affecting their lives. Encourage them to use specific details and present tense.
  • Assessment:
  • Have a peer review the paragraphs and provide feedback on the use of the present tense.


  • Review the importance of using the present tense when speaking about recent events and the importance of using specific details.
  • Remind students to keep up with recent scientific and technological breakthroughs in order to speak about them effectively.


  • Observe students during the group and individual presentations to assess their understanding of the simple present tense and their ability to use it appropriately in daily situations.
  • Use the class discussion and participation in the group and individual presentations as formative assessment.

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