
Topic: Environment

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to list at least 3 types of materials that can be recycled and describe how they are recycled.
  • Students will be able to explain at least one environmental issue and suggest a solution to the issue.


  • Large recycling bins with labels for paper, plastic, glass, and cans
  • Handouts with words and definitions related to recycling and the environment (e.g. landfill, conservation, pollution)
  • Writing materials (pencils, paper)


  • Have students sit in a circle and play the "What's Missing" game. Put a pile of objects on the floor and take turns calling out a word or phrase that is missing from the pile. For example, "bottle, can, plastic, juice." The student who correctly identifies the missing item gets a point. After a few rounds, ask the students if they can think of any ways that we can reduce the amount of trash we produce.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of recycling and environmental issues. Show the pictures of different types of trash and ask the students to name each one. Explain the importance of recycling and the impact that trash can have on the environment. Show the students the recycling bin and discuss the different items that can be recycled.

Guided Practice

  • Show the students the pictures of different types of recyclable items and have them identify each one. Have them brainstorm other items that can be recycled and discuss the reasons why each item can be recycled.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and a pen. Ask them to draw a picture of something they would like to see recycled and write a sentence explaining why they think that item should be recycled. Encourage them to use the vocabulary words they learned during the lesson.


  • Ask the students to share their drawings and sentences with the class. Discuss the importance of recycling and how it can help to protect the environment.

Ask the students to come up with one thing they can do to help protect the environment, and encourage them to use the vocabulary words they learned during the lesson.


    • Observe the students during the sorting activity and provide feedback on their use of vocabulary words.
    • Collect the students' drawings and sentences and use them to assess their understanding of the vocabulary words and their ability to explain how recycling can help the environment.

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