Descriptive Text

Topic: Descriptive text

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to write a descriptive text by the end of the lesson.


  • A piece of writing that can be used as a model (e.g. a description of a place, a person, an object)
  • Handout with writing prompts (e.g. describe your favorite place, describe a person you know, describe an object that you use often)


  • Ask students to think of a place they like and share it with the class. Ask them to describe the place using adjectives. (e.g. "My favorite place is the beach. It's sunny, there are colorful umbrellas, and the water is clear and blue.")
  • Then, ask students to think of a person they know and share it with the class. Ask them to describe the person using adjectives. (e.g. "My grandmother is kind, she loves to bake, and she has a funny laugh.")
  • Finally, ask students to think of an object they use often and share it with the class. Ask them to describe the object using adjectives. (e.g. "My laptop is white, it has a touchscreen, and it's very light.")

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of descriptive text and explain that it is writing that uses adjectives to describe a person, place, or thing.
  • Go over the structure of a descriptive paragraph, including a topic sentence, body paragraphs, and a concluding sentence.
  • Model how to write a descriptive paragraph using a topic given by the students.
  • Practice writing descriptive paragraphs using topics provided by the students.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a list of adjectives and have them use them to write a descriptive paragraph about a topic given by the students.
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their writing with a small group or with the whole class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to come up with a topic, write a descriptive paragraph using adjectives from a provided list, and share their writing with the group.
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their work with the class.


  • Have students write a descriptive paragraph about a topic of their choice using at least five adjectives.
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their writing with a small group or with the whole class.

Related Resources

  • Handouts with topics and adjectives
  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Resources on Hand

  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Materials Needed

  • Styrofoam ball
  • Scissors
  • Marker or pen
  • Index cards
  • Tape/glue
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Paper and writing utensils for every student
  • Calculators for every student
  • Computers with internet access for every student
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Video clips of people or places to be used for descriptive paragraphs

Lesson Plan

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Go over the syllabus and review any concepts or terms that were introduced during the introduction
  • Introduce the topic of descriptive text and explain the purpose of the lesson
  • Go over the goals of the lesson and the skills that will be covered
  • Review the structure of a descriptive paragraph and practice writing one as a class

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups
  • Give each group a white board or chalkboard and have them come up with a topic to write a descriptive paragraph about
  • Have them write their paragraph using the adjectives on index cards to describe their topic
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their work with the class

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups
  • Give each group a white board or chalkboard and have them come up with a topic to write a descriptive paragraph about
  • Have them write their paragraph using the adjectives on index cards to describe their topic
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their work with the class


  • Have students write a descriptive paragraph about a topic of their choice

Related Resources

  • Handouts with topics and adjectives
  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Resources on Hand

  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Materials Needed

  • Styrofoam ball
  • Scissors
  • Marker or pen
  • Index cards
  • Tape/glue
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Paper and writing utensils for every student
  • Calculators for every student
  • Computers with internet access for every student
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Video clips of people or places to be used for descriptive paragraphs

Lesson Plan

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Go over the syllabus and review any concepts or terms that were introduced during the introduction
  • Introduce the topic of descriptive text and explain the purpose of the lesson
  • Go over the goals of the lesson and the skills that will be covered
  • Review the structure of a descriptive paragraph and practice writing one as a class
  • Go over the writing process and have students work in pairs or small groups to come up with a topic, write a descriptive paragraph, and share their work

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups
  • Give each group a white board or chalkboard and have them come up with a topic to write a descriptive paragraph about
  • Have them write their paragraph using the adjectives on index cards to describe their topic
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their work with the class

Independent Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups
  • Give each group a white board or chalkboard and have them come up with a topic to write a descriptive paragraph about
  • Have them write their paragraph using the adjectives on index cards to describe their topic
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their work with the class


  • Have students write a descriptive paragraph about a topic of their choiceRelated Resources
  • Handouts with topics and adjectives
  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Resources on Hand

  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Materials Needed

  • Styrofoam ball
  • Scissors
  • Marker or pen
  • Index cards
  • Tape/glue
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Paper and writing utensils
  • Calculators
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Video clips of people or places to be used for descriptive paragraphs

Lesson Plan

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Go over the syllabus and review any concepts or terms that were introduced during the introduction
  • Introduce the topic of descriptive text and explain the purpose of the lesson
  • Go over the goals of the lesson and the skills that will be covered
  • Review the structure of a descriptive paragraph and practice writing one as a class
  • Go over the writing process and have students work in pairs or small groups to come up with a topic, write a descriptive paragraph, and share their work
  • Have students work in pairs or small groups
  • Give each group a white board or chalkboard and have them come up with a topic to write a descriptive paragraph about
  • Have them write their paragraph using the adjectives on index cards to describe their topic
  • Go over the paragraphs and have students share their work with the classIndependent Practice
  • Have students work in pairs or small groups
  • Give each group a white board or chalkboard and have them come up with a topic to write a descriptive paragraph about
  • Have them write their paragraph using the adjectives on index cards to describe their topic


  • Have students write a descriptive paragraph about a topic of their choice
  • Have students share their work with the classRelated Resources
  • Handouts with topics and adjectives
  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Resources on Hand

  • Writing paper
  • Writing utensils
  • Calculator
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board

Materials Needed

  • Styrofoam ball
  • Scissors
  • Marker or pen
  • Index cards
  • Tape/glue
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Paper and writing utensils-Calculators
  • Computers with internet access
  • Digital projector
  • Poster board
  • White board or chalkboard
  • Video clips of people or places to be used for descriptive paragraphs

Lesson Plan

  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Go over the syllabus and review any concepts or terms that were introduced during the introduction
  • Introduce the topic of descriptive text and explain the purpose of the lesson
  • Go over the goals of the lesson and the skills that will be covered
  • Review the structure of a descriptive paragraph and practice writing one as a class
  • Go over the writing process and have students work in pairs or small groups to come up with a topic, write a descriptive paragraph, and share their work

Guided Practice

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