10th Grade Charisma Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Charisma


  • To understand the concept of charisma and its characteristics.
  • To be able to use interactive learning strategies and 21st century skills to develop charisma.


  • Brainstorming: students will be given time to individually write down as many characteristics of charisma as possible.
  • Interactive whiteboard activity: students will be assigned different characteristics of charisma and will have to match them to a real-life example.
  • Collaborative project: students will be divided into groups and will have to come up with a creative project that demonstrates their understanding of charisma.
  • Final plenary: students will give a short presentation on their project and will be assessed on their understanding of the concept of charisma and its characteristics.


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • Colored markers
  • Project materials (e.g. paper, scissors, glue, pencils)

Topic: creativity


  • To understand the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • To be able to use interactive learning strategies and 21st century skills to develop creativity.


  • Brainstorming: students will be given time to individually write down as many characteristics of creativity as possible.
  • Interactive whiteboard activity: students will be assigned different characteristics of creativity and will have to match them to a real-life example.
  • Collaborative project: students will be divided into groups and will have to come up with a creative project that demonstrates their understanding of creativity.
  • Final plenary: students will give a short presentation on their project and will be assessed on their understanding of the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • Creative writing assignment: students will be given time to write a short story or poem about something that is creatively inspired.
  • Starter:
  • Warm-up:
  • Introduction:
  • Introduction to the topic:
  • Presentation of the objective:
  • Introduction to the activities:
  • Main body:
  • Interactive whiteboard activity:
  • Collaborative project:
  • Final plenary:
  • Assessment:
  • Creative writing assignment:
  • Plenary:
  • Wrap-up:
  • Closure:


  • Good morning, students.
  • Welcome to our creativity lesson today.
  • We are going to be talking about the concept of creativity and how to develop it.
  • The objective of this lesson is to understand the characteristics of creativity and how to use interactive learning strategies and 21st century skills to develop it.
  • Before we get started, I would like to introduce myself. My name is _________ and I'm a native English speaker from _________.
  • I will be your instructor for this lesson.
  • Warm-up
  • Let's start with a few warm-up exercises to get the brain working.
  • First, I'd like you to take out a piece of paper and a pen.
  • Write down as many words as you can that start with the letter 'C'.
  • Now, let's try another one. This time, write down as many words as you can that end with the letter 'C'.
  • That's it for the warm-up. Put your pens and papers away.
  • Introduction
  • As I mentioned before, the objective of this lesson is to understand the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • Creativity is the ability to come up with new and original ideas.
  • It is a skill that can be developed with practice.
  • Today, we will be looking at the different characteristics of creativity and how to use interactive learning strategies and 21st century skills to develop it.
  • Before we get started, I would like to give a brief introduction to the topic.
  • Main body
  • First, we will look at the different characteristics of creativity.
  • I will give a short presentation on the topic and will show you some examples.
  • Then, we will do an interactive whiteboard activity to identify the characteristics of creativity.
  • I will write down different characteristics on the whiteboard and you will have to match them to a real-life example.
  • After that, we will move on to a collaborative project.
  • I will give you some time to come up with a creative project that demonstrates your understanding of creativity.
  • I will provide some suggestions to get you started, but the final project is up to you.
  • After the project is completed, we will have a final plenary to give a short presentation on your project and to be assessed on your understanding of the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • Creative


  • That's it for the main body of the lesson.
  • Now let's move on to the creative aspect of the lesson.
  • As I mentioned before, the objective of this lesson is to understand the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • In order to do this, we will be looking at the different characteristics of creativity and how to use interactive learning strategies and 21st century skills to develop it.
  • First, we will look at the different characteristics of creativity.
  • I will give a short presentation on the topic and will show you some examples.
  • Then, we will do an interactive whiteboard activity to identify the characteristics of creativity.
  • I will write down different characteristics on the whiteboard and you will have to match them to a real-life example.
  • After that, we will move on to a collaborative project.
  • I will give you some time to come up with a creative project that demonstrates your understanding of creativity.
  • I will provide some suggestions to get you started, but the final project is up to you.
  • After the project is completed, we will have a final plenary to give a short presentation on your project and to be assessed on your understanding of the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • Interactive whiteboard activity
  • Guidance
  • That's it for the creative aspect of the lesson.
  • Now let's move on to the assessment.
  • As I mentioned before, the objective of this lesson is to understand the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • In order to do this, we will be looking at the different characteristics of creativity and how to use interactive learning strategies and 21st century skills to develop it.
  • First, we will look at the different characteristics of creativity.
  • I will give a short presentation on the topic and will show you some examples.
  • Then, we will do an interactive whiteboard activity to identify the characteristics of creativity.
  • I will write down different characteristics on the whiteboard and you will have to match them to a real-life example.
  • After that, we will move on to a collaborative project.
  • I will give you some time to come up with a creative project that demonstrates your understanding of creativity.
  • I will provide some suggestions to get you started, but the final project is up to you.
  • After the project is completed, we will have a final plenary to give a short presentation on your project and to be assessed on your understanding of the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • Final plenary
  • Guidance
  • That's it for the assessment.
  • I hope you have enjoyed the lesson and have learned a lot about the concept of creativity and its characteristics.
  • I would like to give you some time to reflect on the lesson and to jot down any questions or thoughts that you


  • As always, you can reach me by email, phone or in person if you have any questions.
  • Thank you for your time and attention.

References and Resources:

  • Various examples of creative projects
  • Some suggestions for the collaborative project
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Classroom projector
  • Pens and paper
  • Enrichment: For the creative aspect of the lesson, you can also have students come up with a creative project that demonstrates their understanding of creativity. This can be anything from a piece of art to a fundraising campaign or an invention. The possibilities are endless. Just make sure that it is creative and that students have put some time and effort into it.


  • Assignments: Having students complete the assignment as a group is more fun and engaging than having them do it alone. This also provides an opportunity for them to get to know each other better and to collaborate and support each other.
  • Ask for feedback: Always ask for feedback on the lesson or the activities. This is a good way to see what students think and it also gives them the opportunity to give you feedback and to contribute to the lesson.
  • Hopefully you've enjoyed this class and learned something new. Charisma is a tricky subject and there's still a lot to learn, but now you have a good foundation to work from and some good tools to use. The most important thing is to practice, practice, practice. So go out there and be charismatic!


  • Observation: The teacher could observe the students during the independent practice and give feedback on their charisma-related actions and behaviors.
  • Reflection: At the end of the class, have students reflect on the lesson and the activities. This could be in the form of a written reflection or an oral presentation.
  • Charisma report card: Finally, have students complete a charisma report card, evaluating their own charisma skills before and after the lesson. This can be done through a written self-evaluation or through an oral presentation in which they give their personal feedback and reflect on their own charisma skills.

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