Free Algorithms Introduction Lesson Plan for 10th Grade Students

Topic: Algorithms Introduction

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Introduce algorithms to students and demonstrate their practical applications in solving problems


  • Handouts with examples of algorithms
  • Computers or tablets for students to write code and execute algorithms


  • Ask students to think of a problem they have faced in their lives.
  • Have them formulate a solution to the problem and explain how they would go about solving it.
  • Ask them if they have ever used a proven solution or a step-by-step procedure to solve a problem. If so, ask them to provide an example.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that algorithms are step-by-step procedures for solving problems.
  • Introduce the concept of an algorithm by using a hands-on activity. For example, have students work in pairs to solve a simple problem using an algorithm. For example, have them use the algorithm for solving a multiplication problem to solve a multiplication problem. As they work, have them explain the steps of the algorithm and why each step is necessary.
  • If time permits, present additional examples of algorithms and have students work in pairs to solve the problems using the algorithms.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to solve a set of problems using algorithms. For example, have them solve a series of multiplication problems using the algorithm for solving a multiplication problem. As they work, have them explain the steps of the algorithm and why each step is necessary.
  • If time permits, present additional examples of algorithms and have students work in pairs to solve the problems using the algorithms.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity in which they must create their own algorithm for solving a problem. For example, have them create an algorithm for solving a quadratic equation or solving a system of linear equations. As they work, have them explain the steps of their algorithm and why each step is necessary.


  • Review the main points of the lesson: algorithms are step-by-step instructions for solving a problem, they can be expressed as -lists, flowcharts, or diagrams, and they can be implemented in -computer code.
  • Ask students to share any interesting or challenging aspects of the independent practice activity.


  • Observe students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the concept of an algorithm and their ability to create and implement algorithms in -computer code.
  • Have students complete a short written reflection on their experience with creating and implementing algorithms during the independent practice activity.

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