10th Grade Needs And Want Lesson Plan (Business)

Topic: Needs and wants

Topic: Needs and wants

Objectives & Outcomes

  • At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and analyze the needs and wants of a given community or business and develop a plan to meet those needs and wants.


  • Community map or business map
  • Markers
  • Note cards for each student
  • Handouts with examples of needs and wants


  • Begin the lesson by asking students to think about the needs and wants that they have in their own lives. Write their responses on the board.
  • Next, ask students to think about the needs and wants of their family and friends. Again, write their responses on the board.
  • Then, ask students to think about the needs and wants of their school, community, and country. Again, write their responses on the board.
  • Finally, ask students to think about the needs and wants of a business they regularly visit (e.g. a restaurant, clothing store, etc.). Again, write their responses on the board.
  • Next, review the responses on the board and ask students to brainstorm any additional needs and wants that they might have missed.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to students that a need is something that is essential for survival, whereas a want is something that is considered desirable but not essential.
  • Using the examples from the warm-up activity, provide more detailed examples of needs and wants. For example, food and water are needs, whereas a fancy car and a big house are wants.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding needs and wants in business decision-making. Businesses must consider the needs and wants of their customers in order to create a product or service that will be successful in the marketplace.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a product or service that is currently being marketed.
  • Have each group conduct an investigation to determine the needs and wants of their targeted customer group. Encourage them to use the examples provided and any other research tools that they may wish to utilize (e.g. internet searches, interviews).
  • Once the groups have completed their investigations, have them share their findings with the class and discuss any differences or similarities in their findings.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a product or service that they regularly use and conduct a self-analysis of their needs and wants with regard to that product or service.
  • Using the examples provided and any additional research tools that they may wish to utilize (e.g. internet searches, interviews), have them create a presentation that explains their needs and wants and how the product or service fulfills those needs and wants.


  • Have students share their presentations with the class and discuss the implications of needs and wants in their own lives.
  • Review the concepts of needs and wants and their significance in the marketing of products and services.


  • Observe students during the sorting activity and discussion to assess their understanding of the concepts of needs and wants.
  • Review and assess the independent practice projects for their ability to clearly define and differentiate between needs and wants and their significance in the marketing of products and services.

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