Abstract Art Lesson Plan for 10th Grade Example Students


Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to define and give examples of abstract art.
  • Students will be able to identify and analyze the characteristics and techniques used in creating abstract art.


  • Images of abstract art
  • Handouts with examples of abstract art characteristics and techniques
  • Art supplies for independent practice (optional)


  • Begin the lesson by asking students to share any prior knowledge or experiences they have with abstract art.
  • Show a few examples of abstract art and ask students to describe what they see in each image.
  • As a class, create a brief list of words that describe abstract art (e.g. confusing, creative, colorful, different).

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by explaining that abstract art is a type of art that does not represent any recognizable objects or images.
  • Explain that the purpose of abstract art is to create a visual impression or feeling rather than to depict something specific.
  • Discuss the key concepts and methods of creating abstract art, including:
  • Using abstract shapes and colors to create a non-representational image
  • Using negative space to create a sense of balance and harmony
  • Explain that there are no set rules for creating abstract art, and that the artist has complete freedom to create whatever they want.

Guided Practice

  • Provide your students with a collection of art supplies, such as colored pencils, markers, and paints.
  • Have them work in small groups to create their own abstract art pieces, providing guidance and support as needed.
  • Have each group display their art works at the end of the lesson for all to see.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose their own unique subject matter for an abstract art piece, such as a landscape or a still life.
  • Have them create their art works independently, using the concepts and methods of abstract art that you have taught them.
  • Have them present their art works to the class at the end of the lesson.


  • Review the key concepts and methods of abstract art, as well as the importance of experimenting and using imagination in art.
  • Ask the students to reflect on their own art works and discuss the challenges and successes they experienced while creating them.


  • Observe the students during their independent practice and provide feedback on their art works.
  • Administer a quiz on the key concepts and methods of abstract art and their importance in the creation of abstract art works.

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